Goodbye Books and Bits, Hello Dynamic Programmer!

Published on Dec 12, 2008

As you may have noted, the blog changed name, domain and engine. My previous hosting company wasn’t able to fix a problem they created with their install of PHP.
This cause that an annoying Warning pop up at the bottom of each page of my blog, but the real serious problem was that the comments post wasn’t working. So I decided to change for Go Daddy. This was a good opportunity to start using a domain a register some time ago:

Since I was switching hosting I decided to move from Wordpress to DasBlog. Nothing wrong with Wordpress. I just wanted to play with DasBlog, I specially like the idea of not having to use a db. (DasBlog use xml files to store all the data).

At the moment I’m using one of the default themes provided with the install. I will need to work on that.

Another change is on the syndication feed, I decided to start using feedburner, so in case I decide to switch to another platform, subscribers to the feed will not be affected.